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ETC Consumer Protection and Refund Policy – 11 February 2024


  1. To ensure all students and potential students receive the training that they expect to receive inline with the national regulators requirements.
  2. To ensure all customers receive accurate information regarding fees, costs and payment plans associated with training and assessment activities prior to commencement of engagement.
  3. To ensure standard and reasonable costs are charged at all of the ETC Training sites.
  4. To ensure students are aware of the ETC fee protection and refund strategies.
  5. To ensure Smart & Skilled contract requirements are adhered to.
  6. To ensure Skills Assure Supplier contract requirements are adhered to.
  7. To ensure RTO Standards 2015 are adhered to.
  8. To provide details of the ETC Consumer Protection Officer.
  9. To ensure students are aware of the ETC Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy & Procedures.


Fees and Charges

All fees and charges will be made known to participants before enrolment and will vary
depending on the course and mode of delivery. Prior to enrolment students will be supplied
with a fee letter/quote that will detail the payment terms, including the timing and amount of
fees to be paid. Fees include all administration and resource costs associated with the course.

In the event a third party has commited to paying the fees on the students behalf, then both the
student and third party will receive the above details.

Student Payment Plans

Weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment plan options are provided for all students over a
maximum of 12 mths and are discussed and finalised at the signup stage. Details of the plan are
then entered into the payment plan section within the enrolment form and sent to finance for
processing and a copy is provided to the student and party responsible for payment.

Amount of Fee’s

Fees charged will only be taken from the ETC fee for service price list or from the relevant
contract calculator rates.

Individuals Fee Protection

ETC will make adequate provision to safeguard students’ fees by not accepting payments of
more than $1,500 from each individual student prior to the commencement of the course.
Following course commencement and training engagement, where payment of additional fees
is required in advance for any student, ETC will ensure at any given time that the amount does
not exceed $1,500.

Once the student has commenced training in their chosen qualification or course ETC will make
available training resources and a Trainer / Assessor to allow the student the opportunity to
complete the course as per the supplied training schedule.

Refund Policy

Withdrawal without penalty

If the student withdraws from training prior to the initial commencement of the training, ETC
will refund any fees paid if a minimum of 24hrs notice is given.

Withdrawal after commencement without penalty

Training has commenced when engagement with the trainer occurs and/or resources have been
provided. If the student withdraws from training after the commencement, notification in
writing is required. Any future payments will be cancelled and a partial refund may occur in the
following circumstances:

  • The student formally advises ETC, before classes commence and with no attendance or
    participation in training, that they are withdrawing from the course.
  • The student has made a full payment and withdraws throughout the course- refund to
    be prorata of the training that has been delivered.
  • The General Manager – Training feels that it would unreasonably disadvantage the
    student if a refund were not granted.
  • RPL or Credit Transfer was not anticipated, however identified throughout the course refund of the difference in the fee adjustment will occur

Cancellation Policy

ETC Training may cancel or reschedule a course if there are not sufficient students enrolled. A
full refund will be given in these circumstances.

If a student wishes to cancel from a course it is the responsibility of the student or person
responsible for payment e.g. employer, to notify ETC of the cancellation within at least two (2)
days prior to the course commencement in order to be eligible for a full refund. If notice is not
given then the full fee may be charged.

All refunds must be approved by the Training Manager and where possible the student should
be offered an alternative course and delivery method prior to the refund being granted.

Deferring Students

You can defer your study in the course for up to 12 months during the duration of the course. If
you return to your studies within 12 months, your student fee or Concession fee will not
change. This offer only relates to the course your received an offer for and cannot be
transferred. Students that do not commence within 12 months will have their enrolment

Transfer to another provider

In the event that ETC is unable to continue to provide training services due to funding or
registration changes or poor client satisfaction, then we will provide the following assistance to

  • Support in selection and transfer to another RTO
  • Manage fee arrangements for transfer, including refund of any balance of fees already
  • Issue a current Statement of Attainment
  • Issue an updated training plan
  • Issue any partial assessments

Non Payment of Fees

Non-payment of fees may result in cancellation of the enrolment or non-issuance of a
Statement of Attainment or Qualification Certificate. This is at the discretion of the General
Manager – Training.

Replacement of Certificate

If you require a Certificate or Statement of Attainment to be re-issued an administration fee will
apply. Replacement Certificates or Statements of Attainment can be requested at a cost of
$45.00 each. A minimum of three days’ notice is required.

Booking, Cancellation & Refunds for Short Training courses booked via ETC Website (example RSA, RCG and First Aid courses)

  • Short course training must be paid at the time of registration when booking on-line.
  • ETC will accept the following payment options: Eway
  • All payments submitted through the ETC website are processed by Eway Payment
    Gateway Australia. ETC does not store or retain any credit card data.
  • To protect cardholder data Eway Payment Gateway Australia complies with the
    Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The PCI DSS is the global data
    security standard that businesses must adhere to inorder to accept payment cards.
  • A tax invoice (receipt) will be issued for completed purchases. Any dispute regarding the
    invoice must be notified to ETC within two (2) business days of receipt of invoice.
  • ETC must be given 24hrs notice before the commencement of training if an applicant is
    unable to attend training if they have booked and paid on-line.
  • ETC will refund any fees paid if a minimum of 24hrs notice is given.
  • No refund will be provided if ETC is not given 24hrs notice of cancellation prior to the
    commencement of the course.


In the event a customer is unhappy with the service provided by ETC they are able to access any of the following complaint options:

  1. Lodge a formal complaint following the ETC Complaint and Appeals Handling Policy & Procedures
  2. Contact the ETC Consumer Protection Officer directly:
    ETC Consumer Protection Officer
    Chief Financial Officer
    P: 02 9160 3040
    M: 0427 712 525
    E: rob.wallace@etcltd.com.au  
  3. If the complaint relates to Smart & Skilled funding and if a student feels matters are unresolved to their satisfaction and wish to inform a third party, they should contact the Smart and Skilled customer support centre. P: 13 28 11
  4. If the complaint relates to Skills Assure funding and if a student feels matters are unresolved to their satisfaction and wish to inform a third party, they should contact the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. P: 13 74 68 https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/training-careers/courses/studentguide/complaints
  • ETC Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy & Procedure
  • Smart & Skilled Consumer Protection Information & Strategy
  • Smart & Skilled Statement of Provider expectations
  • Skills Assure Supplier Policy 2021-22
  • ASQA Standards for RTO’s 2015
  • Student handbook
  • Enrolment form – payment plan


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