Enquire 1800 007 400

Contact Details

Open: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm

Phone: 1800 007 400

Email: beenleigh@etcltd.com.au


Shop 1,
82 City Road,
Beenleigh QLD 4207

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Your local training & employment services provider in Beenleigh

Beenleigh is a town in the City of Logan, Queensland. ETC in Beenleigh provides support to the local community through a number of services such as training, and Self-Employment Assistance services. Surrounding suburbs include Loganholme, Holmview, Mount Warren Park, Stapylton and Eagleby.

Training Services

Find out why this Registered Training Organisation (RTO 6998) is an award winner

ETC Beenleigh offers Workforce Australia – Career Transition Assistance (CTA) training. This new initiative helps mature age job seekers increase their skills and confidence to become more competitive in the local job market. At ETC we understand that adults come with real-life experiences. Therefore our focus is to empower individuals to grow and develop through our interactive and supportive career transition services.

Improve your job skills, contact ETC Training Services today

Sharpen your business skills with Self-Employment Assistance

ETC’s Self-Employment Assistance provides you with guidance, networking and mentoring opportunities.  Start-up businesses, as well as established businesses, will benefit from our services. We’ll help you to grow, develop best-practice and improve management and operating processes.

Find out more about ETC Beenleigh here >

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