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business student looking at camera with class in background

business student looking at camera with class in background

Intro 2 Business (Statement of Attainment, Certificate II in Workplace Skills, BSB20120)

Are you looking for an edge in today’s super competitive business world? Get a head start in Business with ETC!

Our Intro2Business short skills course is designed to give you a great head start to enter or return to a business environment.
This course covers topics such as having a safe and healthy work environment, improving your communication, planning and organisational skills.

Duration: 3 weeks, 

Dates: This course will start on the 26th May at 9am

Units covered: 

  • BSBWHS211 – Contribute to the health and safety of others
  • BSBCMM211 – Apply communication skills
  • BSBPEF101 Plan and prepare for work readiness

Course Subsidy Information

NSW Information
Government funding may be available for this course via the NSW Government’s Smart and Skilled program. To find out if you are eligible visit the Smart and Skilled website or call us on 1800 007 400 to speak with one of our training advisors.
QLD Information
Government funding may be available for this course depending on your circumstances. For more information visit the Queensland Government website or call us on 1800 007 400 to speak with one of our training advisors.



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