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Wage Subsidies from ETC

Reap the many benefits of  the wage subsidies scheme

A wage subsidy is a payment to encourage businesses to employ eligible job seekers. In essence, wage subsidies can help you to expand your business and employ new staff. As a result, this will help boost the economy and create more jobs.

Through jobactive, wage subsidies are available to employers who hire eligible job seekers. This includes young, mature age, long-term unemployed or Indigenous job seekers.

The benefits to you are substantial

Up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) is available for new employees who are:

  • Between 15 and 25 years of age

Also, $2,500-$5,000 (GST inclusive) is available for new employees who are either:

  • 25 years and older
  • Individuals who are registered with an employment service provider for 12 months or more

Wage subsidies are made by employment service providers directly to businesses over a period of six months. Also, employers can even negotiate how often they are made. In essence, whatever works best for your business, for example, weekly or fortnightly.

Contact ETC to find out more or apply for a wage subsidy for one of your staff members.

Wage subsidies for employers – here are the simple criteria

It’s easy to qualify and we’ll support you through the simple process. In short, to be eligible for a jobactive wage subsidy, your business must:

  • Be a legal entity with an Australian Business Number
  • Have not previously employed the job seeker
  • Not be an Australian, State or Territory government agency
  • The employer must offer a job that is expected to be ongoing and be able to offer the required number of hours per week on average, in line with participants eligibility (up to 30 hours per week) over the six months of the wage subsidy agreement
  • Offer a job that complies with the employment standards for the position – for example, it’s suitable work and pays, as a minimum, the national award wage

As per the Workforce Australia Wage Subsidy Guidelines, all wage subsidies must be approved online through https://www.workforceaustralia.gov.au/ within 28 days of the employee start date.

Apprentices and Trainees are also eligible for a wage subsidy

This is great news for employers looking to create real opportunities and provide apprenticeships or traineeships. Wage subsidies, as well as other substantial financial incentives available to employers under the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program, create a meaningful enticement.
For more information visit the Australian Apprenticeship website.

 The team at ETC are more than happy to provide information regarding wage subsidies and how you can qualify.

Contact ETC to find out more or apply for a wage subsidy for one of your team.



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