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As Pauline Law discovered, losing a loved one suddenly can turn your whole life upside down, but thanks to employment support and training she is back on track.

“I was placed with ETC a few years ago. I was suffering from severe depression after my husband had died very suddenly,” Pauline said.

“ETC supported me through the ups and downs. They were very understanding of my situation, treated me as an individual, not as a number and through their support I’ve got to where I am now.”

When Pauline first started with ETC, she was described as “tearful, really timid, lacking in confidence and unsure of where her life was heading”, according to ETC’s Disability Employment Services Team Leader Melinda Williams.

“In the early days of assisting Pauline we just provided a listening ear and encouragement, supporting her to embrace her volunteer work and engage in the community. When she was ready to re-enter the workforce, we helped her with training, interview support and reverse marketing to employers,” Melinda said.

Watch our interview with Pauline here or keep reading more below.

After a 30 year career in customer service and sales roles, Pauline eventually decided she was ready for a change and decided to seek help to retrain in the high growth aged care industry.

“It wasn’t an area I ever thought I would go into, but I thought hey it’s another notch on the belt if nothing else,” Pauline said.

“A lot of people will do a course thinking this is going to be good and the minute they get out working in the field they realise this is not right for them. This is where I feel ETC’s Intro2Care course was so wonderful because it really did give you a taste of what to expect working in the aged care industry.”

Pauline completed the practical component of ETC’s Intro2Care course (an 8 week introductory course into the caring industry, including 4 weeks of theory and 4 weeks of on-the-job training) at Port Macquarie’s Bethany Aged Care Centre.

She enjoyed the short course so much she ended up enrolling in the Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care) and now works on a casual basis with Bethany Aged Care.

“I’m in the best place I’ve been for a long time. The severe depression I was suffering when I started with ETC has lifted. I’m a happy person now”

“The job is not a bed of roses, but it is lovely to know what I’m doing is making a difference.”

According to Melinda Williams, the team at ETC have seen a complete transformation in Pauline over the past two years.

“Pauline is now happy, confident and outgoing. She’s come a long way and should be very proud of herself.”

Do you need Employment Support?

If you or someone you know has an injury, illness or disability and needs help finding a job, ETC can help!

Ccontact ETC’s Disability Employment Services (DES) team on 1800 007 400.

Find out more about ETC’s DES Services here >>

Do you need Training support?

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO6998) our courses are nationally recognised and specifically designed for successful learning outcomes.

Find out more about our training courses >>



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