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Transition to work customer Loren Del Signore holding her certificate

21-year-old Loren has come a long way in her time with ETC and the Workforce Australia – Transition to Work (TtW) program.

“I was suffering from some mental health issues. I was anxious, scared and wouldn’t leave the house,” she said.

Loren’s Dad encouraged her to go to Centrelink where she learnt about TtW and was linked to ETC.

“At the start I found it a bit challenging to attend appointments and to take care of myself,” Loren said.

“My ETC Youth Advisor was amazing and gave me so much support. Just getting up everyday and having a purpose made a real difference to how I felt about myself.”

According to Loren things really turned around for her when she was offered a job as a Trainee Receptionist at one of ETC’s offices.

“Working is great. Having a purpose is great. Not having a purpose can really take its toll on you,” she said.

“The support from ETC was amazing. They just want to help people. They helped me finish my Certificate III in Business and get a job as a Medical Receptionist at Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service.”

“Now I have the skills to help my community and I’m so grateful to ETC.”

ETC’s Transition to Work team said it was a pleasure to see Loren turn her life around.

“Loren has made many positive changes to her life since commencing her traineeship,” they said.

“While working with us she received lots of support such as life advice, work tips and even academic help with her studies.”

“She regularly pops into the ETC office now and says hello and thanks us for all the help she received during her time with us as a TtW participant and as a trainee.”

“Loren sees ETC’s staff as part of her family, and we enjoy hearing about her building her life.”

So what’s Loren’s advice to other young people who may have lost their way?

“Take care of your future self. Look at what you’re doing now and how it’s going to affect you later,” she said.

“Get some support. There are so many services out there to help you.”

“ETC really helped me to get my life on track and I can’t believe how far I’ve come.”

“I’ve got some goals now and want to start my own business in the future.”

Transition to Work (TtW) is for young people aged 15 to 24 years. It is targeted to early school leavers and young people who have experienced difficulty transitioning from education to employment. All young Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people are eligible.

If you would like to speak to someone about TtW, freecall the ETC team on 1800 007 400.



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