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We met with Tracy Burling, Residential Manager at BaptistCare Kularoo Centre to gain her insight and tips on how to look after staff, managing productivity and work/life balance.

Watch our interview with Tracey here, otherwise there is a breakdown below.

How do you manage Work/Life Balance?

In an environment like ours, where you are surrounded by a lot of people, don’t self-isolate. Don’t think that it’s all up to you; you have one pair of hands, you don’t have to do it all on your own. 

Yes, you are expected to work really hard, but not to the extent that when you get home to the ones you love there is nothing left in the tank. Don’t spend 80 hours a week at work; go home to your family or loved ones.

Embrace the qualities of your team and their strengths and work together collectively to your common team and organisational goals. 

Pace yourself, prioritise your workload and manage your time well. 

How do you look after your staff?

We have values of love and respect at BaptistCare Kularoo Centre, and it’s something we practice each and every day. We exercise respect towards our residents and each other as a team. The work here can be really hard, and some days it’s a tough gig. 

So we look after our staff by being as flexible as we can, very inclusive, open and transparent, fair and equitable. 

I think it’s important to listen to your team, take on their wonderful ideas, their concerns and their suggestions for improvement – by doing all of this we collectively move forward together as one team, and ultimately this is what our residents experience too.

How do you manage productivity in the workplace?

Productivity I believe is linked to how satisfied, how happy, how valued your staff feel. 

Undervalued staff who feel they are not being heard, who feel unappreciated – will fail to perform. 

There’s no big secret, treat people thoughtfully and respectfully.

Generally people want to do well and it’s our job as Managers to help them to, so keeping barriers out of their way and supporting them to feel empowered. 

Fantastic, thanks for your time Tracy!

Stay tuned for the next edition of ETC’s Business Spotlight.

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