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18 years of age and having never worked before, Rachael was struggling to get her foot in the door somewhere.

Coming from a big family she was always putting her younger sibling’s needs before her own, having to always baby sit and ensure she was home to take care of them.

With a little help from ETC’s Transition to Work (TtW) service, she realised her needs were important too. ETC assisted her in gaining that confidence and self-appreciation.

Rachael participated in ETC’s TtW workshops from Goal Setting to Learner Driving and even obtained her learner licence first go!

Following this Rachael also received training in Resume and Cover Letters; and was provided with some new interview clothes.

Rachael went for her first ever interview, however she did not get the position. Resilient and bubbly Rachael bounced back and was excited to just have the opportunity.

Rachael Hyde blog

Photo of Rachael collecting her Post Placement Support and Girls Group packs from ETC Coomera.

ETC decided to harness Rachael’s outgoing nature and referred her to one of the new attractions at Westfield Coomera – ‘iPlay!’

Rachael went for the trial and was immediately offered the position. She now works most days and loves it. Now Rachael has her independence and can start doing things for herself. Go Rach!

She has come such a long way and we are so proud of her here at ETC TtW Coomera!

Transition to Work (TtW)

TtW is designed to help you and support you in achieving your employment or education goals.

If you are 15-21 and are not sure where you are heading, or need help getting some skills and finding a job, TtW is for you!

The program is tailored to your individual needs and features a range of workshops for you to choose from.

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