More support will soon be available for young people who are not in employment or education on the Mid North Coast through the delivery of a new service – Transition to Work.
Funded by the Department of Employment and delivered by Enterprise and Training Company (ETC), Transition to Work is designed to help young people aged 15-21 either return to school, engage in further study or training or gain employment.
ETC’s CEO Jenny Barnett said ETC was thrilled to have secured the Transition to Work (TtW) contract on the Mid North Coast.
“It is fantastic to be recognised as a high-performing community-based organisation who is capable of providing this service and we look forward to making real in-roads with young people who are neither studying nor working in the region,” Mrs Barnett said.
“We are really excited to be able to expand our current employment, business and training services on the Mid North Coast and will be delivering Transition to Work in Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Kempsey, Nambucca Heads and Wauchope.”
Mrs Barnett said ETC’s approach to working with young people was based on creating an environment where they feel connected, unique and respected.
“We plan on working really closely with each participant in the program to ensure their needs, interests and skills are taken into account,” Mrs Barnett said.
“We will be offering a highly individualised program of group activities, accredited training and engagement with other programs to ensure participants are engaged, motivated and supported in their pursuits.
“This program will have a strong focus on practical interventions and work experience to build a young person’s skills, confidence and readiness to engage in employment.
“We will work with young people to give them an understanding of what is expected in the workplace and to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviours expected by employers.”
ETC will commence delivery of the new Transition to Work service on the Mid North Coast from 4 April 2016.
For further information contact ETC’s Mid North Coast Regional Manager Julie Saddler on 0458 128 262.
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