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Enterprise and Training Company Limited (ETC) is thrilled to have won the Australian Governments Disability Management Service (DMS) contract that helps people with a disability find employment in the Hastings Region.

ETC’s Executive Manager Employment Jenny Barnett is delighted to break into the DMS market with the new contract win that begins in March 2015.

“The disability employment sector is very competitive and to be announced as a successful tenderer in the Hastings Region is a wonderful achievement for ETC,” Ms Barnett said.

Ms Barnett contributes the success with the new contract on ETC’s consistent high performance as a Job Service Australia provider with a strong track record of helping unemployed people find and remain in sustainable employment.

“ETC is the leading Job Services Australia provider on the Mid North Coast and ranked second Australia-wide,” Ms Barnett said.

“We also have well established networks in the Hastings, thanks to our dedicated training team, Small Biz Connect and New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) government contracts.

“As a local regional provider, we have demonstrated experience in providing job opportunities and we are looking forward to providing specialist employment assistance to job seekers with a disability find and keep a job.”

As a result of the new contract, ETC will open a new office in Wauchope and facilitate DMS from ETC’s existing office in Port Macquarie at 133 – 137 Gordon Street.



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