Enquire 1800 007 400

It seems to be a common catchphrase from all small business owners – “it’s so HARD finding good staff”.   Well, maybe some of our criteria are out of whack.  Now, unless you’re after a neurosurgeon or a motor mechanic (both equally important, in my mind) maybe we’ve given too much credence to resumes.  Instead, maybe we should utilise our intuition and what we see on the day.

One theory used by one of Australia’s leading small business coaches, Debra Templar is to use the “Bright Eyes Principle”… which simply says: ‘If you don’t have bright eyes, you don’t get past the first interview’. For Debra this theory works. She is not interested in prompting slug eyed people to do a good job. In her opinion, they don’t.  They destroy businesses.

How?  “I don’t know”, “Can I help you?”, “I’ll have to ask the manager”….and on and on and on.  They irritate customers, frustrate managers and owners and tend to only do the minimum.

Everyone wants someone who can do the maximum, not the minimum.  Bright-eyed people are willing.  Willing to be of service.  Willing to admit they don’t know – but will find it out.  Willing to follow up.  Willing to clean as they go.  Willing to multi-task. Willing to learn. Willing to take direction.  Willing to take correction.

Now, as business owners, we also need to step up to the mark.  Lead from the front.  Be the type of staff member you want yours to be.  Don’t be the “do as I say and not as I do” boss.  That type of attitude doesn’t work. .  Actions are what count!

So if you need bright-eyed staff this summer, call ETC on 1800 007 400.

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