Do you need help to get a job during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Here’s a good news story to inspire you…
After being stood down from his position as an Oil Man due to the coronavirus crisis, Michael Furniss was expecting a long, boring and broke isolation.
Luckily for Michael, his employment service provider ETC had a job prospect that would help change his outlook on life.
“ETC was approached by Sharman Property Services who were needing workers at the front gate at Boambee Retirement Village to meet and greet visitors, contractors and residents – to ask them a series of questions in line with COVID-19 requirements for vulnerable people,” said ETC Business Relationship Manager Billy-Joh Ballantyne.
“We were thrilled when five of our customers were successful in gaining employment, with some of these positions potentially leading to further duties such as cleaning.”
Michael, who is now into his third week of employment at a local Retirement Village, is very happy to be working.
“Despite the pandemic, I feel very safe in the job and hygiene procedures here. I have a lot of job satisfaction in this role too – being able to reassure the residents that visitors are passing safety measures,” Michael said.
“It’s also nice to have some social contact with people (even from 1.5 metres away). The older residents are always keen to have a chat with me.”
Michael thanked ETC for their support.
“Not only did ETC get me into this job quickly, they also provided me with a uniform and safety gear so I could start straight away. I’ve also been able to pick up some work as a Support Worker. All of this came in since COVID – it’s certainly not where I’d thought I’d be at this point in time!” he said.
Give our friendly team a call on 1800 007 400 to discuss further.
Do you need help to get a job during the COVID pandemic? Find out more about our services for job seekers >
Or do you need help finding staff? ETC offers super easy, no hassle recruitment services that you’ll love. Find out more >
Need training? In response to COVID-19, we’re offering a range of our courses online. Check them out here >
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