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4 Simple Tips to help you prepare for a Fun and Safe Work Christmas Party

Whether you’re a small-to-medium business or a large company, throwing a Christmas Party is a great way to reward your staff and finish off the year with a bit of fun.

Unfortunately, sometimes these events can take a turn for the worst, so it’s important to make sure that your expectations are clear. Remind employees that your Code of Conduct and other related policies apply at out of hours functions.

As an employer, you should plan ahead, take precautions and be prepared for anything.

Here are some tips to help make sure things run smoothly (and safely) at your upcoming event:

  • Manage alcohol – giving staff tokens is a great way to have control over the amount you are providing. Make sure there is plenty of non-alcoholic drinks available as well.
  • Food – this will also help with reducing the alcohol effect on your guests. Be sure to find out the dietary requirements so there are plenty of options available such as gluten-free, vegetarian etc.
  • Venue – stairs can be risky, especially when alcohol is involved. Either you or an HR Officer should pay a visit to the venue and complete a Risk Assessment.
  • Transport – while you cannot foresee every poor decision your employees might make, you should make reasonable efforts to ensure no one drives while intoxicated. It is also a good idea to have members of the management team stationed at the exits to spot employees who should not drive.

These are just some of the many steps that employers can take to ensure the safety of their workers during an office Christmas party. As long as an employer plans ahead and takes these precautions, they can avoid any disaster and have a fun and safe work Christmas party.



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