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A woman writing a Resume

Resume Writing Tips Guide

Having a well written and professional-looking resume is key to you securing a job, which is why this guide shows you how to write a resume. A resume is often the first introduction you will have with an employer so it’s essential that it ticks all the boxes and makes a positive first impression. Below is a guide with tips on what to include in a resume.

Resume Length: Your resume should be as concise as possible; two to three pages is the maximum length.

Font and Size: Do not use ornate fonts that are difficult to read; Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri are the best to use. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points although your name and the section headings can be a little larger and/or bolded.

Resume Layout: However you decide to organise the sections of your resume, be sure to keep each section uniform. For example, if you put the name of one company in italics, every company name must be in italics. Keep your resume easy to read, you can use bullet points to help.

Information to Avoid: Do not include personal information such as birthday, marital status, children, etc., unless the position requires it.

Up-to-Date: Make sure that you regularly update your resume. This is important especially after completing a training course or work experience.

Accuracy: Be sure to edit your resume before sending it. Check spelling, grammar, tenses, names of companies and people, etc. Have a friend, family member or someone you know check over your resume as well.

Information to Include in Your Resume


  • Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of your resume.
  • Use a professional email address (i.e. johnsmith@gmail.com rather than soccerlover@hotmail.com).

Objective (Optional)

  • This section is optional. If you decide to include an Objective keep it concise and specific; state your desired job or field, and what you hope to accomplish in that field.

Profile (Optional)

  • Another optional section is a Profile which includes a summary of your skills, experiences, and goals written specifically when applying for a job.


  • Include the courses you have done in reverse chronological order (with the most recent course listed first).
  • Be sure to include the name of each institution, its location, and your date of graduation (or expected date of graduation).
  • Unless you have recently finished high school, do not include it unless it is a requirement of the position.

Employment / Work History

  • Include your employment history in reverse chronological order (with the most recent listed first).
  • Include the name of the company, the position, and the dates.
  • List roughly three important tasks, accomplishments, or skills gained at each job. Focus on those that are related to or relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Work Experience / Volunteer Work

  • This section can include work experience and volunteer work. Recent school leavers might also include clubs and sports teams where applicable (where you have been the Captain, or a Manager or Coach).
  • Include the name of the organisation, the position, and the dates.
  • List roughly three important tasks, accomplishments, or skills gained in each role, ideally, that relate to the job you’re applying for.

Skills and Experiences (Optional)

Hobbies and Interests (Optional)

  • You can also include a section on your hobbies and interests if they relate to the position. For example, if you are applying to work at a sporting goods store, you can include your passion for basketball or something related.


  • Include at least 1-2 contactable referees in your resume, ideally people who were your supervisors in any previous roles you have had, otherwise a co-worker. If you have recently left school you might like to use a Year Advisor or Principal (if appropriate).
Next Step - for ETC customers

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We hope this has been a helpful guide and has given you a better understanding of writing a resume and how important it is to help you get a job interview.

If you need some help and would like to speak to someone either face to face or over the phone about resume writing – please contact your Jobs/Youth Advisor on 1800 007 400.

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