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national work experience programme participant Lynden Cooper and Danniel

Find out how job seeker, Lynden, ended up with two Truck Driving jobs as a result of ETC’s National Work Experience Program (NWEP)

ETC was approached by Danniel Johnson the Owner/Operator of DJ & EJ Foods, as he was hoping to find the right person for a new MR Truck Driving job that he had available.

Lynden, an ETC customer, disclosed that his goal was to eventually become a Truck Driver and ETC saw this as an opportunity for him to gain some experience to make sure this was really the career path he wanted.

In preparation, Lynden enrolled into a training course and successfully obtained a Learner Licence for Heavy Vehicle Driving.

After gaining his license, Lydnen now needed some real on-the-job experience and ETC suggested utilising the National Work Experience Programme (NWEP).

NWEP is a work experience program that places job seekers in real-life unpaid work experience placements. There are many benefits for both job seekers and the businesses who participate.

An NWEP agreement was created and Lynden commenced his work experience activity with Daniel at DJ & EJ Foods

During this time, ETC organised with KSB Training for Lynden to obtain his MR Licence training and testing – which he successfully passed.

Danniel said he was very impressed by Lynden’s skills and how quickly he learned.

“The National Work Experience Program helped me a lot. It taught me a lot of patience, time management, how to train someone up and do it properly,” said Danniel.

“I was learning more things about my own business along the way. It was a really good team-work exercise for us. It made my business run more efficiently.”

At the completion of the NWEP activity, Danniel needed to go on a family holiday, so he employed Lynden to look after his workload in his absence.

Lynden continued to work with Danniel and then was also offered employment with Provedores, meaning that he ended up with 2 jobs as a result of his NWEP activity.

“It was a good opportunity to be hands-on and to show them that I was willing to give it a go. I had time to show them that I was keen and really wanting to work in this field,” said Lynden.

To find out more about NWEP visit https://www.employment.gov.au/national-work-experience-programme

If you’re a job seeker or a business who is interested in NWEP, contact ETC’s Business Relationship Team on 1800 007 400 or make an enquiry online here https://etcltd.com.au/contact-us/general-enquiries/



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