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CHC41115 – Certificate IV in Employment Services

This qualification covers workers who provide a range of programs and services to individuals and groups of clients and employers to support them in locating, securing and maintaining suitable employment. Workers at this level need an understanding of access and equity issues including cultural diversity, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and disability issues and to work with local communities in the provision of services.

Key focus areas

  • Respond to client needs
  • Use communication to build relationships
  • Work with diverse people
  • Analyse and apply information that supports employment and career development
  • Deliver and monitor contracted employment services
  • Promote job seekers to employers
  • Develop and monitor employment plans
  • Work legally and ethically
  • Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships

What jobs does this qualify me for?

  • Employment Consultant
  • Case Worker
  • Jobs Advisor

What does the course include?

As part of the Community Services Training Package, CHC, this course comprises 14 units of competency.

  • 9 core units plus
  • 5 elective units

Entry Requirements

There are no formal educational requirements for entry into this course.

Student Support

Learners will receive feedback after each assessment/assignment and the trainer/assessor will be available to discuss the feedback or provide additional assistance or direction as appropriate. Trainers/assessors are also available by email/phone for any discussion or problems that students experience during their studies.

Delivery and Duration

ETC provides flexible training options either online, classroom based or in the workplace. Contact us on 1800 007 400 for more details on the Certificate IV in Employment Services.


Costs vary depending on the delivery method suited to your needs.

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.

Contact us to find out if you are eligible for funding through the QLD Government’s Higher Level Skills program.

Need to know more?

For more information about this qualification, and the jobs it relates to, visit the Australian Government’s My Skills Website



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