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SITSS00069 – Food Safety Supervision

A Food Safety Supervisor is a person who:

  • is trained to recognise and prevent risks associated with food handling in a retail food business
  • holds a current FSS certificate (no more than five years old),
  • is not an FSS for any other food premises or mobile catering business, and
  • can train and supervise other people in the business about safe food handling practices.

Food Safety Supervisors will need to complete training in 2 units of competency within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, and hold a current FSS certificate. The legislation also requires refresher training every five years.

Student Support

Learners will receive feedback after each assessment/assignment and the trainer/assessor will be available to discuss the feedback or provide additional assistance or direction as appropriate. Trainers/assessors are also available by email/phone for any discussion or problems that students experience during their study.

Need to know more?

For more information about this skill set and the jobs it relates to, visit the Australian Government’s My Skills Website – http://www.myskills.gov.au/

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