Employers on the Gold Coast are being encouraged to give young people a go in a bid to reduce the region’s high youth unemployment.
The Gold Coast Youth Unemployment Rate currently stands at 12.0 % according to the Australian Government Department of Employment Labour Force statistics.
ETC’s CEO Jenny Barnett said while youth unemployment was a serious national issue, real strides can be made at a local level.
“As a community, we owe it to our young people to do all that we can to help them find and keep a job,” Mrs Barnett said.
“Keeping our youth busy and employed keeps them off the street, off the couch and out of trouble.”
Mrs Barnett said ETC was working closely with disengaged 15-21 year olds on the Gold Coast in an effort to help them either return to school, undertake training or secure a job as part of the Transition to Work service (TtW).
“We offer a range of in-house programs designed to build their confidence, prepare them for the workforce and instil good work ethics. But we can’t do it on our own. Local employers are the key to helping our young people take the next step in their lives whether it’s a work placement, Traineeship, Apprenticeship,” she said.
“The good news is that ETC takes all the hassle out of recruitment for local employers by screening, shortlisting and interviewing job ready applicants, and at no cost to them.”
Gold Coast TtW Operations Manager Selena Baillie said her team had great outcomes with many young people already transitioning into further employment and training. A recent graduation of seven TtW participants who undertook a Foundation Skills course in conjunction with Complex Institute has been another successful partnership.
“The three week course provided participants with the foundation and employability skills required to help them progress into the workforce. It was very hands on and the change in our young people’s attitudes was nothing short of amazing,” Ms Baillie said.
“This has had a fantastic result with most of the young people now moving into employment and training.”
Since graduating, participant James Wells has made it to a second interview for being a Rifleman with Australian Army Defence Force.
“Thanks to this course, I feel we’ve come a long way as a group of young people and we’ve learnt a lot that will help prepare us further for our employment future,” James said.
Kristy Peach is now in the process of undertaking a Certificate III in Hospitality.
“I think this journey has been a blessing for all of us. Without this course we wouldn’t have the opportunities we have now. Our confidence has grown and we’ve made some new friends,” Kristy said.
For further information visit www.etcltd.com.au or contact ETC’s Business Relationship Advisors on 1800 007 400.
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