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Co-working is the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values, and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with talented people in the same space. Co-workers can come to collaborate, obtain information and receive inspiration from other likeminded people.

Co-working is a fast growing and popular model of working for a range of professionals, from sole traders to employees of large corporations.  With a large portion of the workforce consisting of micro-businesses working from home, co-working offers major benefits.

Here are some of the key benefits in more detail:

  • Harnessing your creative energy – There is something about the “randomness” and variety of people in a co-work space that generates a more authentic creative energy. It’s not forced, it’s organic.
  • Increasing income potential – Being around other entrepreneurs and businesses of varying size will generate more customers i.e. business for you.
  • Improving productivity – If you pool the networks of everyone in the co-work space you can begin to see word-of-mouth and referrals generate business that costs you zero time or resources in generating leads.
  • Access to resources – Having access to quality resources in the same space makes it easy “on demand” to bring in resources on projects when needed to help you scale your business with minimum risk.
  • Strengthening social networksbeing surrounded by people you may not do business with, but you forge friendships and want to see each other succeed is probably the most valuable part of working in a co-work space.

6 Degrees Coworking Hub is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am to 3pm. They are co-located at the Coffs Coast Community College in the City Square. For more information please contact Kristina at Council on 6648 4089.

ETC BusinessLeaders’ presents Steve Baxter – 31 March

Proudly presented by Coffs Harbour City Council don’t miss a lunch presentation by leading entrepreneur, investor and “Shark” on Shark Tank Steve Baxter. This event is on 31 March at Novotel Pacific Bay Resort from 12pm – 2pm. Costs $49 and includes lunch. Register here

Prior to this event, local entrepreneurs will have the chance to hear Steve’s tips and tricks for preparing their pitches. Participants will have the chance to hear firsthand about the upcoming TELSTRA Stores Coffs Harbour Digital Innovation Challenge. For more information please visit: www.digitalinnovationchallenge.com.au



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