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10 Tips for finding a job

  1. Be organised in your job search. Have a plan and stick to it.
  2. Know your abilities and strengths and look for employment which will use these.
  3. Prepare or update your resume and have copies on hand. Take them to every job interview or job inquiry you attend.
  4. Be realistic in your expectations and be prepared to take any job to get you started.
  5. Adopt a positive attitude and maintain it. If a job application is unsuccessful, put it behind you and focus on the next one.
  6. Don’t rely on one method of looking for work. Look at all options and use as many as possible. For example, community radio, newspaper ads, cold canvas, Job Services Australia Agencies, Australian Job Search Site (www.jobsearch.gov.au), Centrelink, etc.
  7. Present everything you do in job seeking to the best of your ability, i.e. personal presentation, have a well prepared current resume, and be accurate and neat in application forms and letters.
  8. Try to know a little about the organisation you have applied to before attending an interview.
  9. If unemployed for some time, consider volunteering in an area which interests you, to increase your confidence and build on your skills.
  10. DON’T GIVE UP!!! The only ones who don’t find work are those who eventually stop trying.

We hope that these 10 tips for finding a job were helpful.

Finding a job can be a daunting task. There are so many options and you don’t want to miss out on opportunities. ETC provides all the information, guidance and support that you’ll need to be a successful job seeker.

Whether you’re new to the area, or want to take the next step in your career progression, or are simply ready for a change. We’re here to help. ETC can tailor the right employment path to help you find sustainable and meaningful employment.

Find out more about ETC’s services for Job Seekers >>

We understand that it’s an uncertain time for job searching during the COVID-19 pandemic – so we’ve put together these tips tailored at helping you during this time:

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